How to Design Your Own Floor Plan Without Needing a Degree

How to Design Your Own Floor Plan Without Needing a Degree


Are you thinking about how to design your own floor plan? If you’ve got a vision for your dream house or you want a builder to build your own house, you are probably thinking of ways to be able to coherently express your vision.

Floor plans are the best way to do this, but you may feel that you don’t have the expertise – such as a degree – to be able to implement this project.

The truth is you don’t need a degree to become an online floor plan designer. Here’s everything you need to know.

Understanding Floor Plan Importance

Before you start drawing your interior design floor plans you need to understand why you create a floor plan in the first place.

A floor plan helps people visualize what the space in your new house or building looks like. Those who look at it can see how each room relates to each other and what each room is likely to contain.

Increasingly with such small spaces to work with people are going for room-within-room designs that need careful planning. A floor plan is crucial to realizing these dreams.

But floor plans do something more than that. Floor plans also include mathematical annotations so that an architect or interior designer can build the house. They are instrumental to the success of the house and most planning authorities around the world require them.

Draw by Hand

Draw your floor plans by hand to start with. Devise a scale that your floor plan will be drawn to, so they are accurate. Then do all of your drawings with a black pen and a ruler.

You may wish to start with a pencil so you can erase or draw over any mistakes you make.

Always mark on the doors and windows and make sure the measurements go on the outside of the walls so an architect can see how big in real life your rooms should be.

A floor plan though is just the start of the housing design process and you will then need to think about different flooring styles which this great guide can assist you with.

Draw on a Computer

After you’ve drawn your floor plan by hand you should then consider moving onto a computer. There are many pieces of software available now that can enable you to have your floorplan up and running in a few minutes.

Your architect will thank-you if you devise a plan on industry-standard software because you will be presenting your ideas to them in a language they understand.

You can also market your floorplan more easily to investors if you are building a commercial property since it looks professional.

You will still need a floor plan even if you want an open floor design for your home or business.

Design Your Own Floor Plan: Be Professional

If you want to design your own floor plan, go for it, and don’t let anyone put you off. It can be a great way to get your ideas down on paper and you don’t need a degree to be able to draw one. You simply need a pen and pencil or floor plan creator software.

Writing your own floor plans will see you taken much more seriously by architects and potential investors in any property you are planning.

If you are interested in learning more about how to design your own floor plan be sure to check out the rest of our site.

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